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    Terence Eden
    Terence Eden
    What's a pirate's favourite letter?

    Vote now, or walk the plank!

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    IT'S DEBUNKED, which is also what JD calls a threesome

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    Indivisible 🥥🌴
    Indivisible 🥥🌴

    Nobody wants to read all 900 pages of Trump’s Project 2025 — so we did.

    Here’s everything you need to know about the playbook for MAGA extremism, who’s behind it, and how to fight back:

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    Steve's Place
    Steve's Place

    As far as I can tell, the Republican party has devolved into a cabal of rich gangsters whose political affinities lie east of the EU. Every vote, every action, is to harm America and Americans. That we have an underclass of ignorant subversives eager to vote, and publicly display their allegiance to, a man with no allegiance, loyalty, or even common decency towards them, speaks to how well the rotting Rush Limbaugh and the fascistic Murdoch television empire have brainwashed absolute fools.

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    Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote
    Ben Royce 🇺🇸🇺🇦 Don't Boo: Vote


    there are unfortunately utter morons on the far left that are effectively motivated to not vote/ vote 3rd party on exactly the sort of toxic idealism you peddle. which may be your goal, as maga/ russian agent provocateur, or you are just genuinely toxic on the topic organically. who knows. who cares. it's bs, and i'm calling you out on it

    litigating kamala's past, while remaining quiet on trump's past, on topics you know trump is infinitely worse, can only serve one purpose, today

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    I just biked past a group bike ride that was loudly playing the Kingdom of Zeal theme from Chrono Trigger so I yelled “Fuck yeah, Chrono Trigger!!” (as one does) and not one of them seemed to react or know what I was talking about 😂

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    Erik Uden 🥥🌴🍑
    Erik Uden 🥥🌴🍑

    A trillion is hard to wrap your head around!

    A million seconds was 11 days ago.

    A billion seconds ago was 1993.

    A trillion seconds ago? 29,600 B.C.

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    Wild, true story from the security awareness and training company KnowBe4 that details how they inadvertently hired a North Korean hacker who was posing as a Western tech worker.

    Kudos to them for publishing this. If it can happen to a security awareness company, it can happen to anyone (full disclosure: they've been an advertiser on my site for ages).

    Security Awareness Training Blog 23 How a North Korean Fake IT Worker Tried to Infiltrate Us

Stu Sjouwerman Tweet Incident Report Summary: Insider Threat Disclaimer: No access was gained or compromised on KnowBe4 systems. TLDR: KnowBe4 needed a software engineer for our internal IT Al team. We L posted the job, received resumes, conducted interviews, performed background checks, verified references, and hired the person. We sent them \ their Mac workstation, and the moment it was received, it immediately started % to load malware. - The EDR software detected it and alerted our InfoSec Security Operations Center. The SOC called the new hire and asked if they could help. That's when it got dodgy fast. We shared the collected data with Mandiant, a leading global cybersecurity expert, and the FBI, to corroborate our initial findings. It turns out this was a fake IT worker from North Korea. The picture you see is an Al deepfake that started out with stock photography (below). 'SUMMARY: This report covers the investigation of Employee ID: XXXX hired as a Principal Software Engineer. On July 15, 2024, a series of suspicious activities were detected on that user account. Based on the SOC teams evaluation of the activities it was found this may have been intentional by the user and suspected he may be an

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    Ian Muir explains the context for the Crowdstrike Microsoft disaster.

    Facebook post by Ian Muir 19 July 2024:

OK, I will answer here in a group since a lot of non tech friends have asked me. Lots of stuff broke today because a company called Crowdstrike released a bad piece of software that a lot of systems rely on. Here are some answers to common questions people have asked me.
Edit: One note for people who think I'm being dramatic here and that this was all just an accident. This whole thing happened before at a smaller scale with McAffee in 2010. The CTO of McAffee at the time was Crowdstrike's current CEO. This isn't a coincidence, it's a pattern.
Why wasn't the update tested better? Because tech people are expensive and Crowdstrike laid a bunch of them off over last 2 years to save money including testers. Testing is expensive and it's hard to convince a business leader that testing is important because it doesn't "make them money".
Why didn't big tech companies have a way to function without this one piece of software?  Because tech people are expensive and big tech comapnies laid a bunch of them off over last 2 years to save money including the people who help make things stable and flexible. Flexibility is expensive and it's hard to convince a business leader that flexibility is important because it doesn't "make them money".

    facebook post by Ian Muir text continues:

Why didn't airlines, governments, telecom companies, and other business have a backup plan?  Because tech people are expensive and many companies laid a bunch of them off over last 2 years to save money including the people who research and implement backup plans. Backup plans are expensive and it's hard to convince a business leader that backup plans are important because they doesn't "make them money".
Wait a minute. How many of these critical systems in tech, transportation, government, and infrastructure are short staffed right now? Pretty much all of them. Good luck.
Wait a minute, all of these people who laid off all the tech workers said they were replaced by AI. What happened? AI was just a bullshit justification to lay off expensive tech people. AI hasn't really replaced many people in tech because making major changes like shifting to AI is expensive and it's hard to convince a business leader to spend money on making changes when they can just fake it because their compensation is affected more by how many tech people they can lay off than how well the companies actually function. Someday, AI might replace a lot of people in tech, but right now most of the jobs were not replaced by AI and were likely just closed or sent overseas.

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    Chris "Not So" Short 🇺🇦
    Chris "Not So" Short 🇺🇦

    Source unknown

    Obama stylized campaign posters

Four lined up side by side with the last three presidents and Kamala Harris at the end

Titles under each candidate:

Obama - Hope
Trump - Hate
Biden - Heal
Harris - Grow

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    Mastodon Migration
    Mastodon Migration

    Right now the billionaire fascist owners of the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN and (of course) Twitter/X are knocked on their heels. Their plan to destroy Biden worked too well and Harris is their worst nightmare result. But they won't stay down for long. Already we see Harris traffic on X getting manipulated, and the NY Times thinks pivoting to 'Dem Chaos' may work.

    Folks, Mastodon is more important than ever today. While tiny, open social media is a counterbalance to corporate media. Onward!

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    Brendan Halpin
    Brendan Halpin

    Checked in on Neil Gaiman's and Amanda Palmer's Instagram. They're posting through it and hoping you forget. Don't forget. And if you haven't already, get the whole story, either from me or the podcast or somewhere else. Don't let them memory hole this.

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    Mastodon Migration
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    Some perspective for computer professionals annoyed by reporting that blames Friday's CrowdStrike update outage on a "Microsoft update": remember that they also get details like this wrong routinely on topics you aren't already fluent in

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    Missing The Point
    Missing The Point

    May you live in interesting times (derogatory)

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    @BrianEnigma I don't think she'll be eligible until she's eligible to be president (she won't turn 35 until october)

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    Ars Technica
    Ars Technica

    Astronomers discover technique to spot AI fakes using galaxy-measurement tools

    Researchers use technique to quantify eyeball reflections that often reveal deepfake images.

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    The research fairy
    The research fairy
    US politics opinions

    The single best thing that Harris could do right now is:

    Challenge Trump to a push-ups competition

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    Hrefna (DHC)
    Hrefna (DHC)

    Pulling up something I wrote in 2020, reasons to be optimistic about Harris as a choice, _even_ given her background.

    I'm not saying you have to like her, I'm not saying you have to trust her—I certainly don't—but let's make sure that we are being honest when talking about her.

    * She introduced the Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act of 2018, which would have banned the "gay and trans panic defenses" nationwide. She had started pushing for this issue while DA.


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    Danilo Campos 🇵🇷
    Danilo Campos 🇵🇷

    This is somewhat to be expected, but you would only know about this if you're actually engaged with TikTok, the bleeding edge culture laboratory carefully maintained by an opaque algorithm, and with the dying gasps of Twitter

    The MOMENT maneuvering on behalf of Harris began, something strange happened among both leftists AND young people

    It was as if everyone kind of looked at each other, grinned, shrugged, and said “why not? this could ACTUALLY work”

    Despair was replaced by possibility.

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    Royce Williams
    Royce Williams
    ↺ 99 ☆ 1
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    Teri Kanefield
    Teri Kanefield

    Biden posted this link and asked people to show support for Kamala.

    I showed my support.

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    Robert Reich
    Robert Reich

    Trump is now the oldest POTUS candidate ever nominated by a major party.

    He has repeatedly confused Biden with Obama and Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. He fell asleep at his criminal trial.

    Will the media scrutinize his age & mental decline with the fervor it focused on Biden?

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    Tristan Snell
    Tristan Snell

    Oldest. Nominee. Ever.

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    Justin Ferrell
    Justin Ferrell

    If this doesn’t energize the party, literally nothing will. We need to be running this ad non-stop on every available screen in the country.

    #usPol #harris

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    she can talk! she can stay awake! she’s the right woman for the job!

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    Ceejae Devine
    Ceejae Devine

    Harris beating Trump will be the greatest poetic justice the world has ever known.

    Make it so.


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    Computer Facts
    Computer Facts

    remember the best number of points of failure for global infrastructure is: one

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    dan 💾
    dan 💾

    Remember! Restart your computer 15 to 20 times.

    The Best Buy sticker reminding you to turn off your computer before the millennium bug destroys it, but now it says to restart your computer an inordinate number of times on 19 July 2024 instead.

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    Jef Poskanzer :batman:
    Jef Poskanzer :batman:
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    DCoder 🇱🇹❤🇺🇦
    DCoder 🇱🇹❤🇺🇦
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    Tinker ☀️
    Tinker ☀️

    Crowdstrike ad aged like milk.

    #crowdstrike #agedlikemilk

    Crowdstrike ad "62 minutes could bring your business down"

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    Trump shooter used Android phone from Samsung; cracked by Cellebrite in 40 minutes

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    Joshua Holland
    Joshua Holland

    Poll after poll finds majorities want #Trump to withdraw. That info's in the 14th or 15th graph of every write up of a poll showing that Biden's unpopular.

    Trump's unfavorables, 54%, are 2 pts better than Biden's 56% in 538's avg.

    Most people wanting the convicted felon not to run just isn't a story for some reason. Shit like his "black outreach" gets more coverage.

    But people are still in denial about the media's role in this mess.


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    Jim Stormdancer
    Jim Stormdancer

    I used Github for the development of Glittermitten Grove (because I wanted to figure out how to use git) and Frog Fractions Game of the Decade Edition (because I was entrenched). Now I have three choices:

    - Keep paying Github forever to keep my repos private.
    - Learn how to export an LFS repo.
    - Announce that I'm open-sourcing the Frog Fractions series in order to save $9/month.

    P.S. I learned *nothing* about git until I started using it on a project with 5+ programmers on it.

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    it me

    The text:
"Game: Stealth is optional for this mission"
Followed by an image of Beaker from The Muppets about to go ham with a chainsaw

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    Omar Moore
    Omar Moore

    Turns out President Biden is an FDR-type Democrat. Who knew? He’s the most progressive president since at least LBJ if not FDR. He was pushed to this point by Black women, Black activists and other activists. This is his base. He knows it. The elites know it and they are PANICKED

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    Ned Yeung
    Ned Yeung

    All this for a lark.

    Back of a Honda Element.

Honda H logo is surrounded by ABCDEFG and IJK
T is taken off Element and replaced with OP to read ELEMEN OP
License plate is QRSTUV and the decal beside it reads WXYZ.

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    Ian Betteridge
    Ian Betteridge

    One of the great mistakes that people like Andreessen, Thiel et al make is thinking you can buy off the far right. Pay them some campaign money, they won’t bother you. That’s because they don’t understand that the far right is driven by ideology, not money. Put them into power, and they will eventually destroy you. Even being inside the tent won’t help – ask the ghost of Ernst Rohm whether identifying with the far right will save you.

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    yassie_swag :baba_baba_yaseen: :agenderFlag: :transgenderFlag:
    yassie_swag :baba_baba_yaseen: :agenderFlag: :transgenderFlag:

    It mildly terrifies me that a lot of things we think are natural are just things that were invented by American advertising agencies in the 40s and 50s

    The nuclear family, diamond engagement rings, owning a motor car, etc are all works of fiction that we have subsumed into being part of our culture, instead of it being astroturfed by a bunch of skilled marketers

    ↺ 95 ☆ 1


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